Subject Agreement Exercises Pdf

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing clear and grammatically correct sentences. It is the agreement between the subject and the verb in terms of number and person. This means that a singular subject requires a singular verb, and a plural subject requires a plural verb. In order to improve your subject-verb agreement skills, subject agreement exercises in PDF format can be an excellent tool.

Subject agreement exercises in PDF format provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand way of practicing subject-verb agreement. These exercises come in different levels of difficulty, ranging from beginner to advanced, to cater to the needs of all learners. They typically contain sample sentences with errors in subject-verb agreement, which the learner is required to correct.

A typical subject agreement exercise in PDF format could be as follows:

– Identify the subject in the following sentence

– Read the sentence carefully and determine if the verb accurately matches the subject

– If the verb does not accurately match the subject, correct the error

For example:

The cats on the roof (is, are) sleeping.

In this sentence, the subject is "cats" which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb to use would be "are" making the corrected sentence: The cats on the roof are sleeping.

These exercises are useful for learners who are looking to improve their writing skills, including students, professionals, and writers. By practicing subject-verb agreement using these exercises, learners can improve their confidence in constructing grammatically correct sentences. It is also an efficient way of refining one`s writing skills and ensuring that their written material is of high quality.

In conclusion, subject agreement exercises in PDF format provide a useful tool for learners looking to improve their writing skills, specifically their subject-verb agreement. These exercises offer a wide range of difficulty level and examples to cater to all learners, which is why they are an excellent resource for students, writers, and professionals looking to improve their writing skills.