Bring into Agreement Crossword Clues

Crossword puzzles are an excellent way to exercise your brain and improve your vocabulary. However, sometimes completing a crossword puzzle can be challenging, especially when you come across clues that seem to contradict each other. This is where "bringing into agreement" comes in, and in this article, we will explore how to solve crossword clues by bringing them into agreement.

First, it`s important to understand that crossword clues can be deceiving. You may read a clue that seems to point towards a particular word, but in reality, it is pointing you in a different direction. For example, a clue may read "Incredibly old" and the answer may be "new." This is because the clue is using the word "incredibly" to mean the opposite of what it typically means.

To solve these types of clues and bring them into agreement, it`s important to look at the surrounding clues. Take a step back and look at the puzzle as a whole. This will help you to identify any patterns or themes that may be present.

Another helpful technique is to look at the word length. Crossword puzzles typically provide you with the number of letters in the answer. This can be a valuable clue, as it can help you to narrow down the options and eliminate words that don`t fit.

Finally, it`s essential to use your knowledge of language and grammar to your advantage. Sometimes, clues can be solved by looking at the tense or part of speech of the answer. For example, a clue may read "Bank transaction" and the answer may be "deposit." In this case, the clue is using the word "transaction" to refer to a specific type of transaction, which the answer "deposit" fits.

In conclusion, bringing into agreement crossword clues is a crucial skill for any avid crossword solver. By taking a step back and looking at the puzzle as a whole, using word length and grammar rules to your advantage, and not allowing yourself to be deceived by clues that seem contradictory, you`ll be able to solve even the most challenging crossword puzzles with ease.